Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another very informative Wiki-How

I promise not to make my blog all about these Wiki-How things, but I couldn't pass this one up.

Again, it is one of Google's "How To's of the Day".

How to Remove a Hickey

Here is how to prevent getting a hickey:

1) Don't let hoes suck on your neck.

2) Don't be a hoe.

Here is a list of the things you will need:

*Eyeshadow of your skin tone
*Ice pack (pre-frozen ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a towel)
*Concealing clothes

Here is a list of related Wiki-Hows:

*How to Give Someone a Hickey
*How to French Kiss
*How to Kiss
*How to Not Be an Obsessive Girlfriend
*How to Date Successfully as a Teenage Guy

Ok... I haven't really had to worry about hickey's for years. But, I remember trying all of their methods and the only thing that worked was wearing a turtleneck.

I also have to point out to Google that as a teenager it was probably very unlikely that I would need this information on a THURSDAY morning. More like on a Saturday or Sunday morning.... like whenever I was sneaking in and took a look in the mirror and saw my slut-mark and thought "Oh Shit! I'm grounded until I'm dead!!".

You lucky teenagers of today have Google and Wiki-How. I just had to rely on the advice of my friends who knew less than I did.


Sans Pantaloons said...

Hi Amy!,
We call 'em 'Love bites' over here in Blightyland. At least that's what they were called when I dreamed of getting one...

Anyway, the less popular nerd guys like myself used a vacuum cleaner...isn't that so sad...

Anonymous said...

Welcome Sans Pantaloons!

Wow, a comment about hickeys from across the pond. It doesn't take much to amuse me.

Annie said...

Nice sweater. Nice buttons! Hahahaha.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Okay, I'm out on the first two rules. I'm a Ho! I have a company called HoGear even. I gave my last boyfriend two hickeys - men have it easy, they can just wear a collared shirt!

Anonymous said...

I love sans pantaloons' vacuum cleaner story.

I didn't mind hickeys until I went out with a guy who thought the way to give a hickey was to bite down so hard as to draw blood and leave a serious bruise that would last for 2-3 weeks. Idiot. Or perhaps he was a vampire. hmmm.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Zed, the guy wasn't called Alucard by any chance?

Do you like garlic?

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, he might have called himself Eduard...but that's very very close to Alucard. Hmmm.

And garlic, why yes I do. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...


I wish I played hockey, just so I could wear some of your cool clothes!