Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thank you sir, may I have another?

Here's another heartwarming story from Basic Training.

One of the things that needed to be taken care of when we first got there was immunizations. We all got a nifty yellow card for them to be documented on (because trust me, no one wants to go through this again), then we had to stand in line with our arms exposed and ready to be "shot" with a gun, on both sides.

It went something like this:

Wipe Wipe

Pfft Pfft (sorry to steal your sound, Zed, but that's what it sounded like)

Wipe Wipe

"Thank You"

step to the next shots...

Wipe Wipe

Pfft Pfft

Wipe Wipe

"Thank You"

.... and so on. Every once in a while there was some pussy who fainted.

People were always fainting because of dehydration, too. That's why at every meal we had to drink 3 glasses of water before we were even allowed to get food. We had to get water, sit down to drink it all, take the empty glasses up to the dishwasher, then get in line for food.

The first few days I didn't even have food.

Not that that was a big loss.


Sans Pantaloons said...

I feel faint reading this post...
I'll need to go get a glass of water...
Ohhhhhh......dear....I'm a pussy.

Anonymous said...

Damn right you are.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I've heard that about you, Fab.