Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday Five

Five things I see on my desk:

1. Stanley Powerlock 30' tape measure

2. 16.9 oz Aquafina

3. A book called "Horrifically Bad Album Covers"

4. A Trader Joe's flyer

5. The players manual for Neverwinter Nights 2

What are 5 things on your desk today?


Teri said...

1. work badge
2. pack of trident gum
3. Target "christmas 2006" circular
5. caller id

I have a hell of a lot more stuff on my desk but I might end up with a 100 item list.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, Teri.

Bob said...

1. Computer
2. PDA
3. Cellphone
4. Diet Pepsi can
5. Two months of paperwork that I need to finish

Anonymous said...

1.more files than i want to deal with
5.and, get this, two monitors!
