Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Most Embarrassing Moment...

You know, there may have been more embarrassing moments in my life than the one I'm going to tell you about, but this one always comes to mind when the subject come up.

I was in 7th grade. The whole year I was madly in love with an 8th grader we'll call RP. He had absolutely no idea who I was. Not a clue.

Everything would have been perfect for us. Not only did I like him, but my friends liked his friends. We all could have been going out on little middle school dates to the mall, and McDonalds, and PG movies and stuff... together... just like on commercials and Growing Pains and Family Ties and The Cosby Show. Except, RP and his friends didn't know we existed.

At the end of the year there was "Track Day". I'm so athletic (NOT), and this was my chance to shine... to be noticed. I was going to win some event and get his attention. It was the perfect plan, it just had to work.

Hurdles. This was the event I chose, the event my non-athletic ass was going to win. I could see myself running and breaking through the tape, then standing on the podium and accepting my Olympic gold medal as they played the National Anthem and wrapped the American Flag around me. Then, RP would come up to me with a dozen... no... 3 dozen roses and say "I've been admiring you from afar, and I just couldn't help myself anymore...." or, "That was really cool. Wanna make out?" and plant one on me, as confetti dropped and movie music played and credits rolled.

I got in my position. I don't remember any of the girls I was racing against. The gun shot, or the whistle blew, or whatever. I started to run. I was running!! I WAS RUNNING! I was passing people!! This was amazing!!! Wow, I'm in 2nd place!! Run... jump... is RP watching?? I hope he's watching... run... jump... run...

It happened in slow motion, I'm sure of it. I landed on my stomach and I slid a couple feet to my doom. Oh.... my..... GOD HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN???? Was RP watching?? I hope he wasn't watching.

No time to think. I got up and finished the race instead of laying there like a dumb crybaby. I think I still beat somebody.

There were no medals, no confetti, no kiss from RP. Just some lame comments from one of my teachers about how that was memorable (since I wasn't really hurt), and some snickers and sympathy from onlookers. I don't know if RP was watching or not.

So, come on... make me feel better. What was your most embarrassing moment? Post about it on your blog, or leave a comment, or both :)


Slinger said...

Wow, so many to choose from... worst is probably my first week of high school. Thinking I was so cool, I was going down the stairs 2 at a time, and I fell. In front of the whole entrance where people came in. Books. papers. EVERYWHERE. People laughing as I got up and blood dripping from my lip that I had bitten. WORST. DAY. EVER!

Anonymous said...

can my whole jr high (7th-9th) experience count as embarrasing? No? Well, I'm making it all three years count, so there.

at least you got up and finished instead of crawling into a hole somewhere.

dirty said...

Over the summer we went out to dinner with a group of my husband's family and we were having a few drinks and when I got up to go to the bathroom, I slipped and fell. All the waiters and waitresses came to my rescue and I got cut off by the bar-tender...fuckers. I only had 2 beers and wasn't drunk yet.

I was so embarrassed that I nearly turned purple.

Anonymous said...

Well, there was that time... once... it was premature... do I have to go on??? *welling up*

Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

a true dork know to stay far far away from the hurdles...... but heart wrenching and funny story all at the same time...well done.