Monday, October 02, 2006

Boston- Day 4

On day 4 Rebecca and I actually spent the day out of Boston, so maybe I should re-name this post.

But then you might get all confused, and who wants that?

So, anyway. We grabbed some coffee at Dunkin' Donuts (where else?) and hopped in her car to take a nice drive up to New Hampshire, since the leaves had just started turning. It's been ages since I've seen fall colors, since fall does not seem to exist here in stupid California.

We listened to showtunes and sang along merrily. We stopped at McDonalds and got a Happy Meal AND THEY FUCKING RIPPED US OFF AND DIDN'T GIVE US A TOY!!!

After that we continued meandering along a New Hampshire highway, and briefly stopped to take some pictures.

We stopped in a town called Conway and did a little shopping, then decided to drive into Maine to complete the day with a lobster dinner.

I've never had a lobster dinner before, and Rebecca was quite proud of me that I had no issues with tearing into this cute little guy and eating him like I was some kind of cave-man. I have had lobster before, but not the whole experience of it.

So there you have it. The next day was a plane trip home... nothing exciting. But I can say after the plane rides out there and back that I never have to see X-Men 3 again, or the season 2 finale of The Office.... ever again.


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