Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some thoughts on a couple of my favorite things...

Whoever came up with the idea of the break and bake chocolate chip cookie dough is an evil genius.

I love you.

No, wait... I mean I HATE you.

But, please don't go away. I hope you understand the way I feel about you.

Sundried Tomato and Basil flavored Wheat Thins. I love these things. They are just your basic Wheat Thin, which I like on it's own, but these ones have this scrumptious powdered spice blend stuff on them.

I like to take the neat, square little cracker and place it delicately on my tongue, powder side down. Then I basically lick the powder off and chew the cracker until it's all gone.

I could really do without the cracker, to be honest.

I think they should sell just the powder stuff.... like a Pixie Stick. A giant one, not the little paper ones that get all soggy and you lose half the powder unless you actually eat the paper. The giant, plastic straw.... full of Sundried Tomato and Basil flavor.



Bob said...

Speaking of Pixie Sticks... Who decided that candy powder in a straw is OK for kids, but candy cigarettes are not?

dirty said...

I have some of that cookie dough in the fridge I I'll probably eat it all before I even bake it...........YUM.

gennifer6 said...

you have good taste...I am so down with both!

Anonymous said...

Those Tomato Basil thins are good, but eat too many and you get heartburn.

I wonder if someone could invent brake and bake lasagna? Because maybe I only want a small piece and dont want to cook a whole damn pan?

Jen said...

I've never had
The giant, plastic straw
pixie stick..

I suck.

Anonymous said...

Nobody- that is a really interesting thought.

Dirty- yeah, that's usually what happens around here, too.

genn6- we rock!!

dave evanns- I used to have that problem, too... but this last box I think I developed and immunity to the heartburn.

Jen- I don't even know you anymore. I certainly would have expected you to have had a giant pixie stick. Go get one now.

Eddie said...

Pixie Stix... wow. It's been a long time since I've eaten the paper...

I'm so happy I came across your blog. You seem really funny and sweet...

(those crackers are delish... you can't just have the sugar)


Anonymous said...

Welcome Crazy Eddie! Besos back at ya!