Tuesday, January 31, 2006


This is the last season of Will and Grace. While I am a fan, I basically watch the reruns on syndication.

I really wish that sit-coms that come to an end would just... end. I mean, I realize that these characters have been in our lives for many years sometimes, and we've developed a "connection" to them, and we'll all be sad and weepy and hardly be able to function normally for the rest of our lives once they are off the air (even though they may already be on syndication). I just wish there didn't have to always be some "very special" final episode(s). Rachel and Ross don't HAVE to get back together just because the show is ending (c'mon... they were on a break). They didn't HAVE to make Rachel possibly get a job in Paris, or London, or Siberia or wherever. I have a feeling they could have left Friends just the way it was and we all still would have watched the series finale, and we all still would be very happy to think that all the friends were joyfully going along the way they always had been. I mean, the creators might as well have had the building with Central Perk imploded for some reason, just because we all need to move on or something.

I just don't think everything needs to end all wrapped up in a nice package with a neat little bow. AND... they are sit-COM's... situation COMEDIES. Stop with all the mushy stuff and be funny. Seriously.

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