Monday, April 17, 2006


Wow! Yes, it's true, I'm still alive!! A-freakin'-mazing. I have just not been particularly inspired to blog lately.

Anywho, I thought it was time to Google my name again. In the past it has brought up results that I'm a sexy, curvy, blonde porn star (who knew???). Sorry to disappoint you, but the porn star part is just not true. The results are not any different today. When I try to Google my maiden name, nothing really exciting pops up because there really is only one me.

When I do the whole googlism thing, I find that I am many things, including "hot", an interior designer, the CEO of an ice cream company, studying a negative gravity anomaly associated with the puerto rico trench using computer based gravity modeling programs, and last but not least... satan. Again, my maiden name is useless.

When you are totally struck with boredom, try doing this yourself (if you haven't already). You never know what you could've been!


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