Thursday, March 23, 2006

A day of "Seriously??"

Yesterday I saw a few things that made me think "I can't WAIT to post this on my blog (that no one reads...)!!!"

I took my son to see "The Shaggy Dog". Definitely not worth paying the movie price, if you are interested in this at all wait for the DVD (although it was still better than I thought it would be). Anyway, almost immediately I noticed the shameless Kelloggs product placement. Product placement cracks me up.

After that we went to Albertsons. I don't normally go to Albertsons, but I was craving something in particular and it's the only store around here that carries it. It's rush hour, and they have 2 lanes open. So, I get in line (not even an express lane), with my one whole item, and notice they have a computer screen in each lane showing little tidbits about the news... or entertainment... or whatever. All I could think was maybe they should've spent the money that they did on these dumb computer screens that will entertain people WHILE THEY STAND IN LINE on more employees so people didn't have to stand in line!!!! Hmmm.... I'm a freakin' genius. After that, as we were driving in the car I heard a commercial about how if there are more than 3 people standing in line at Albertsons they will open another lane. I kid you not.

The final thing that I just couldn't wait to tell all of my adoring readers about was this. I saw a mini-van... just a typical soccer mom mini-van.. nothing special about it at all... with a bumper sticker that said "Drive it like you stole it". Because people steal mini-vans all the time.


*update. I just got done doing a spell-check for this post, and it didn't recognize the word "blog". WTF???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I found your site through Haha. I just wanted to tell you that they had the Holly Hobbie MOVIE on Nickelodeon a month back. I didn't watch it..*cough* But, I met her Grandmother in that movie. Of course the original one would be related in SOME way..either by means of her cloning herself or giving birth, as you said, in the womb. Wasn't she young in the 70's? Weird. The world of toys needs some new production managers or something. Damn. I grew up with Rainbrow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake and The Care Bears. You CANNOT make them new again..but you do have those idiots who say 'A new generation of kids can enjoy them now..blah'. Those toys are not like Barbie! They cannot just keep on living. Oh well...