Monday, October 16, 2006

You're a good man??

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I'm not pretending to know anything about some of the political races here in California.

But, I do know this: One of the races is between a guy named John Doolittle, and a guy named Charlie Brown. And I fucking die laughing everytime I hear a mudslinging ad on the radio about how horrible Charlie Brown is.

Even if it's bad stuff about Doolittle, just the fact that Charlie Brown's name is in it cracks me up!

For example... The John Doolittle radio ad states: "Charlie Brown's new radio ad actually accuses Congressman Doolittle of supporting sex slavery. That's right, supporting sex slavery. Former Northern California Congressman Doug Ose: 'Charlie Brown speaks of honor, but there's nothing honorable about his campaign. He's taking desperation to a new extreme.' Northern California Assemblyman Tim Leslie: 'Charlie Brown owes every voter in this district an apology. He should be ashamed.'"

Or... Charlie Brown has joined anti-war radicals like Sean Penn and Cindy Sheehan, who calls terrorists who kill Americans "freedom fighters." Charlie Brown stands with them. (I really wish I had my damn photoshop for this particular statement).
* source

Maybe you just have to hear it... maybe it doesn't seem that funny if you just read about it. Shut up.


Teri said...

no, it's funny. you picture that little bald kid and nothing ever goes right for him and here he is a politician.

go figure.

Some Guy said...

No, it's funny any way you slice it.

Anonymous said...

He's a clown.

Anonymous said...

That would crack me up too Amy. Charlie Brown running for office. Strange.

Moderator said...

I knew a politician here in Illinois known as "Charles Brown." But everybody called him Charlie. I always giggled.

The Boob Lady said...

I agree, this is funny no matter what. Shit, it's Charlie Brown!

Josh said...

Do watch The Office? (I don't know why but I'm going to assume you said yes.) How about last week when Michael said at the end of the episode, all serious and weepy-eyed, "There is such a thing as good grief. Just ask Charlie Brown." I died. I just died.