Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ok... I recognize Wolverine with his knife claws and gritted teeth. And, I recognize Spiderman with his bulge there. And I even recognize Stan Lee. But, I guess I'm not enough of a comic book geek to know who the girl is. To me she looks like "Bellhop Girl" or something. Whoever she is, I'm sure the hat gets in the way of fighting crime.


Sans Pantaloons said...

I think she may be Elektra, and the reason for Spiderman's bulge.

Don't know about the hat, maybe to cover Spiderman's bulge if it starts to spin silk?

Sushiboy said...

I'd second pants estimation. It looks like Elektra. The character has shown up in two recent movies. Daredevil and Elektra, portrayed in both movies by Jennifer Garner.

Jen said...

I like Bellhop Girl better

She can get your luggage to your room
at the speed of light

And you don't have to tip..

Anonymous said...

Yes... Bellhop Girl is the best.

I didn't see Daredevil or Elektra, but I remember seeing pictures of it, and Jennifer Garner was NOT wearing a bellhop hat. I think she had a cool sword or something. She definitely looked cooler than Bellhop Girl, but Bellhop Girl has skillz.

Anonymous said...

this spiderman needs to wear a cup because she is good at ballbusting men.