Sunday, November 26, 2006

The weather...

I'm not ever allowed to complain about the weather. Like, right now I'm freezing. Our heater isn't working quite right, and certainly I'm not actually freezing, like, I wouldn't die of hypothermia or anything, but I'm not comfortable.

But, my mom lives in Wisconsin, so I'm not ever allowed to utter the words "I'm cold.". I live in California, and I know it doesn't get anywhere near as cold as it does in Wisconsin. Nevermind the fact that I grew up in Colorado, and do remember waking my ass up at 5 am to go feed our pet cow in below zero temperatures. I don't know what cold is.

Also, I know people who have been to the Middle East. So, I'm not ever allowed to complain about being hot.

So, I'm just fine, ok??? I'm not cold, or hot, I'm just always pleasant. Does that make you happy??? My snot has turned to icicles, but everything is dandy.


Teri said...

I think you should be allowed to complain. it's not YOUR normal environment, so you should be allowed to say something about it. I know I would.

I hope your snot gets warm soon.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Warm snot, what a pleasant thought.

Bob said...

It's pretty nice here, at least for the end of November.