Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Office solitaire...

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I found this at Pop Candy... I love that blog.

Click here and let the time waste away...


Teri said...

I'm hoping that the chick over at Casual Slack doesn't find out about this.

Not an Office watcher, unfortunately but from everone's comments at other blogs, it sounds like a good show.

just don't let the game take over your life.

Valerie said...

Teri - How can you not be an Office watcher?

Amy - Who are these alien people that don't watch "The Office?" They are all Russian Spies!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Valerie!

I really like the Office, but I'm really just now getting into it. I don't know what took me so long.

Teri said...

valerie - we are aliens but shhhh, don't tell.

I'm usually very slow to start watching a show, buying a favorite electronic item etc. but then, it's too late. you have to go get the dvd's, if they have them, and watch them all to get caught up on the show. too much to deal with.