Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A couple of things..

Does it make me a horrible mother that I am taking waaaay more pictures of my cat lately than of my kids? I don't think so.


It has been announced that the 4th installment of Indiana Jones will start filming this year. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I love... LOVE love... looOOOOoove the Indiana Jones movies. Love them. Oh, and I love them. So, I'm afraid of a new one. God, I hope it doesn't suck. Or, if it does suck, I hope you can tell that it sucks from the trailers and stuff. I'll still probably see it. Damn it. DAMN IT!

It better not suck.
Lucas and I will have words if it sucks.



If you don't already know, it is my duty to tell you.

"The wait is almost over. The premiere of American Idol will be a 2-Night 4-Hour event. Don't miss it Tuesday & Wednesday, January 16th & 17th, starting at 8/7c, only on FOX."

A 2-Night 4-Hour event!!! How am I going to make it through the next couple of weeks???

I can't wait! Why do I love it so much? It's so horrible.


Bob said...

American Idol is the most horrible drivel on tv. I only watch the ones where the idiots are trying out, those are pretty funny. 90% of those dopes have no business singing in their cars, let along on national television.

Scarlet said...

I hope it IJ#4 doesnt suck too!! It would be a travisty of film making justice if it does. Mr Lucas ONLY just passed with the Star Wars prequeals (#3 was the best of them).

It better not be as laughable as Rocky 27 or Rambo 18!!

**Oh, just take pics of the kids WITH the cat. It will save you therapy dollars later....

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time picturing the 64 year old as Indiana again.

Coffeypot said...

Harrison Ford can pull of an Indiana Jones movie, but Sly Stone making a Rocky 5 is stretching it. Although he looks good, he is over 60 years old (and that pisses me off because I want to look like that) he cannot keep boxing for many more days – not years. I guess his next Rocky movie will be titled: The Geezer vs The Wheezer.

Slinger said...

Yeah, I am tired of these movie franchises still trying to continue. Rocky - come on! Indiana - loved the 3, but I am not getting any warm fuzzies about the 4th.