Monday, February 12, 2007

Stuff that's happened since my last post volume 2..

Well, let's see... I went the entire weekend without turning my computer on. Saturday both my kids were sick again, so they were bored out of their minds in bed for the whole weekend. Alex (my boyfriend) and I sat around most of the day Saturday watching VH1. Wow. We started by watching "The White Rapper Show", and I don't really know what to say about that... then this special came on about Snoop Dogg, which looked interesting but I had to go buy medicine for the sick kiddies. Alex continued to watch it and said it was good and that he has a new found respect for Snoop Dogg. It was about where he came from, and the little league football he is involved with and stuff. When I came back from the store he was watching a show about "Cops", which is always hilarious. After that was an "Armed and Famous" marathon, and let me just say I hope I never ever EVER encounter Latoya Jackson with a gun. Or without one. Or, just, ever.

Sunday was lazy, too. The kids were still sick in bed, and Alex and I did some cleaning and organizing in our room.

Today I sent Shane to school since he seems to be much better, but I took Mike to the ER because he is still quite sick. I tried calling the doctor, but they couldn't get him an appointment today. Anyway, it turns out Mike does indeed have a rip-roarin' ear infection along with the most annoying, nagging cough ever. Miraculously we were only in the ER for about an hour. We did see a very vocal crazy guy coming out of the ER, who was screaming something to some imaginary person about painting a VW. It was awesome.

So, I'll try to do a couple of other catch up posts today


Scarlet said...

No matter where in the world you are. The ER is always full of crazies.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Imaginary guys always make a mess when they paint a VW.

I know these things.

Anonymous said...

You know, I bet that "very vocal crazy guy coming out of the ER, who was screaming something to some imaginary person about painting a VW" was Cat's husband. Call it a hunch....

Jen said...

Entire weekend without
turning the computer on?

I've never done that.
I should try it..

but I'm prbably not capable

Anonymous said...

the only time I don't turn on my computer is when I have no internet service, like now. Impossible I tell you!